Community Workshop & Training Center

Where People with Disabilities
Live, Work and Grow

Community Workshop and Training Center supports adults with disabilities on their pathway to independence. The residential and vocational programs offered, assist each individual to thrive in their communities while building skills to become self-reliant.

Mission Statement

Our Central Illinois organization provides programs and services to adults with disabilities, enriching their quality of life, promoting social change, and optimizing their potential for independence.

Vision Statement

CWTC will lead Central Illinois in successful integration of people with disabilities.

consumer headshot

Consumer Services



chilling at the table


The Stories that Make CWTC

Every person has their own goals. Often, the support from CWTC can be life-changing for both our clients and their families. Check out the stories from our clients and learn how we build human potential.

Want to Help?

CWTC depends on the generosity of community members like you to support our individuals. CWTC is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are tax deductible.

CARF Accredited
Heart of Illinois United Way
Equal Housing Opportunity
Human Services Collaborative